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We believe in nurturing kids by inspiring: Empathy? Empathy is being able to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” and to see things from their view. Empathy is the first step in having positive relationships because it helps us understand and relate to others.

At Village in the Loop Preschool we believe that (a) Empathy skills can set children up for success in life and (b) Empathy is not a fixed trait and that it can be fostered, encouraged and cultivated at home and in the classroom.
We believe in nurturing kids by inspiring: Innovation & Creativity Creativity is the most difficult thinking skill to acquire. We value it in our music, entertainment, technology and other aspects of our existence. It enriches our understanding and can make life easier. Creativity always starts with imagination and history shows that many things we imagine are later actually created.

At Village Preschool we use positive reinforcement to boost imagination, confidence and creative risk-taking.
We believe in nurturing kids by inspiring: Critical Thinking The life skill of getting unstuck is vastly under-rated. To be able to approach a problem in different ways Is true innovation. We assume that people are born with this innate talent when in reality we can raise children who can engage in flexible thinking and innovative thought.

At Village Preschool we are committed to cultivating critical thinking in our children.
We Believe In Nurturing Kids By Inspiring: Diversity & Social Responsibility The concept of diversity takes various forms and is incorporated into many aspects of our lives. From religion, gender, culture, family structures and physical abilities we are each brought into this world made up of many differences.

At Village Preschool our goal is to ensure that our children develop a deeper honor and respect for their own families and cultures, as well as, the cultures and traditions of their fellow teachers and classmates.

We educate with a humanistic approach

Our Core Beliefs: 

Every child is Creative and full of Potential.

We believe that each child is born curious.  We provide a stimulating environment that uses this natural trait to create a lifelong love of learning.

We learn best when we’re engaged.

Children learn most deeply when they are following their natural curiosities.  At Village in the Loop Preschool learning is an active process, initiated by the child, not a transmission of pre-planned knowledge.

Relationships are Vital.

Learning is a social endeavor. At Village in the Loop Preschool, we value and respect the role that our parents and the community play as teachers, and encourage active participation with other children.

At Village in the Loop Preschool, Our Reggio Emilia inspired learning environment is designed to motivate children to become knowledge seekers, responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach is a research-based and child-centered early education philosophy founded on the premise that children are powerful and capable individuals with the ability and desire to construct their own knowledge.

The schools of Reggio Emilia began as a grassroots parent initiative. With the end of World War II, parents in Italy banded together and founded the town’s first pre-school. They had a vision for a new kind of school where children would be treated with respect and parents would be active participants in their education.

The core pedagogy calls for observing what children know, are curious about, and what challenges them. Children are allowed to explore and discover in a supportive and rich environment, where the curriculum is created around the children’s interests. International recognition of the Reggio preschools exploded in 1991 when a panel of experts commissioned by Newsweek magazine identified the Reggio Emilia preschools as one of the “best top ten schools in the world.”

STEM vs. STEAM: Making Room for the Arts

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.

The bonding of the four pillars of STEM feeds upon one another. Science and math feed directly into technological and engineering applications. It’s not enough to teach each one individually, they are all included in a single acronym for a reason.   You can’t build a rocket, car, a watch, or even a bicycle without an understanding and the application of principles from all these areas. STEM is fundamentally connected to everything in our society and it’s imperative that we help students see those connections.

The new element being championed today is ARTS. Those in favor of STEAM recognize the ability of the arts to expand the limits of STEM education and application. There is an added innovation and fearless creativity that a strong artistic foundation can provide.

Studies have also proven that students with a strong foundation in arts perform better academically as a whole.

The University of Florida found “on average, students who study the arts for 4 years in high school score 98 points higher on the SATs compared to those who study the same for half a year or less.”  The conclusion went on to state that, “students who took up music appreciation scored 61 points higher on the verbal section and 42 points higher on the math section.”

Our STEAM goals at Village in the Loop Preschool is to not only prepare young thinkers for their future, but to also enable them to become thoughtful, creative collaborators along the way.

Language Program

Reggio Emilia (French)


L’approche Reggio est une philosophie éducative orientée vers l’enseignement préscolaire et primaire. Il a été développé après la Seconde Guerre mondiale par le psychologue Loris Malaguzzi et ses parents dans la ville de Reggio Emilia en Italie.
L’approche de Reggio Emilia est une approche innovante et inspirante de la petite enfance qui évalue l’enfant comme fort, capable et résilient, riche en curiosité et en connaissances. Chaque enfant apporte avec lui une profonde curiosité potentielle et cette curiosité innée suscite son intérêt à connaître son monde et sa place dans celui-ci.
Ce projet éducatif global repose sur de nombreuses caractéristiques distinctives : la participation des familles, le travail collégial de tout le personnel, l’importance d’un environnement éducatif, la présence d’un espace et de la figure d’un enseignant, une cuisine au sein de l’école et une équipe pédagogique coordonnée. En se concentrant sur la centralité des centaines de langues qui appartiennent à chaque être humain, dans les espaces, les enfants se voient offrir quotidiennement des occasions de rencontrer de nombreux types de matériaux, de nombreux types de langues expressives, de nombreux points de vue ; travaillant activement avec les mains, les esprits et les émotions, dans un contexte qui valorise l’expressivité et la créativité de chaque enfant du groupe.

Reggio Emilia (Spanish)


El enfoque Reggio es una filosofía educativa que está orientada a la educación preescolar y primaria. Fue desarrollado después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial por el psicólogo Loris Malaguzzi y sus padres en el poblado Reggio Emilia en Italia.
El enfoque Reggio Emilia es un enfoque innovador e inspirador para la infancia temprana que evalúa al niño como fuerte, capaz y resiliente; rico en curiosidad y conocimiento. Cada niño trae consigo una curiosidad potencial profunda y esta curiosidad innata conduce su interés por conocer su mundo y su lugar en él.
Este proyecto educativo global está basado en numerosas características distintivas: la participación de las familias, el trabajo colegial de todo el personal, la importancia de un ambiente educativo, la presencia de un espacio y la figura de un docente, una cocina dentro de la escuela y un equipo pedagógico coordinado. Enfocándose en la centralidad de los cientos de lenguajes que pertenecen a cada ser humano, en los espacios se les ofrece a los niños oportunidades diarias de encontrarse con muchos tipos de materiales, muchos tipos de lenguajes expresivos, muchos puntos de vista; trabajando activamente con las manos, las mentes y las emociones, en un contexto que valora la expresividad y creatividad de cada niño en el grupo.

Reggio Emilia (Mandarin)


雷焦方法是一种面向学前和初等教育的教育哲学。它是由心理学家Loris Malaguzzi和他的父母在意大利雷焦艾米利亚镇开发的。
Reggio Emilia方法是一种创新和鼓舞人心的幼儿期方法,它评估儿童是否强大、有能力和有韧性;具有丰富的好奇心和知识。每个孩子都会带来深刻的潜在好奇心,这种与生俱来的好奇心促使他有兴趣了解自己的世界和他在其中的地位。